Monday, October 8, 2012

The World of Suffering

I read something on Facebook this weekend about sending thoughts of peace and love out into the wounded and tragic places in this world in hope of healing those who are suffering the effects of war, famine and cruelty. Certainly this is a commendable idea. But does viewing something or someone as broken, that requires fixing to be whole or complete, serve us? Does this viewpoint, this belief in suffering, reflect back into us and into our own wounded parts? Can we love ourselves and our world enough to embrace that suffering, that wound, that pain and not attempt to stamp it out with “healing”? Certainly I do not wish to suffer nor wish this upon anyone else. But if suffering is one way we learn, is one way our hearts grab our attention that we may finally release our grip on the ideas and beliefs that cause this suffering, do I hold myself so righteous that I would try to deny someone this avenue of experience? And could I really do so even with the attempt? I am reminded of the Serenity Prayer and accepting what I cannot change and having the courage to change the things I can. From my present perspective, I do not believe I can change another person. But I have the choice to reflect back to them either their own pain or my compassion for their pain, my love for their true nature that always exists regardless of pain. I believe that we do not have to suffer to change. I believe I can change myself. I believe that I can see myself as whole and complete and filled with love, and that by doing so, I offer a light unto the world that will serve as reinforcement to all who make similar choices. As we all see and actualize our light, we have no need of suffering as an impetus for growth. We can then choose to join our lights together and create a whole new world, one that reflects the true beauty of who we are.

1 comment:

  1. To me the hungry child, the war-wracked border, the toxic landscape may be avenues of experience but they are also calls to reach out from the one body of which we are a part. That's the beauty of who we are.
