Monday, October 22, 2012

Blessed Journey

GS: You do not truly yet realize the extent of your own true nature. Doubt and worry are whispering behind the scenes in your mind. This period in your life is about creating a new habit of thinking, of directing your energy in more conscious ways. You have been given this quiet time that you may explore and develop new pathways of being. You are in a hurry to grow, to change or so you think. Yet there is another part of you who is scared of change, who doesn’t know what is going to happen when she gives up her illusion of control. It is that part of you for whom this period of time is given. As you embrace and comfort her, she relaxes her grip and eases into your new self. Trust in the timing, in the great dance you are always participating in. There is more for you to learn, to notice in each day as it is given to you. At all times be aware of the love that you are, the joy that is available to you to feel, the gift of each moment, each tiny detail. You are on a blessed journey yet you are one with your destination already. Blessed be.

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