Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Heart Opening

GS: The opening you feel in your heart is a result of the new thoughts you have been allowing into your mind these past months, are allowing into your mind in the present moment.  Thoughts of hope, thoughts of freedom, thoughts of love of self, thoughts of being loved back by the Universe. This is how you allow the One Energy to flow more freely and fully into and through your life. And actually opening your heart feels great, feels different than just the thinking about opening your heart feels. Ride this feeling, let it move you throughout your day. It is from this feeling that you consciously create your life. Know that this feeling is You, is the Universe playing with you, is your gift and your purpose and your response to being a third dimensional creature who is glorious and glad to be alive. Ride the wave of the open heart you have created. Surf the energy and trust that the ride will be true and easy and satisfying.

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