Friday, March 8, 2013

Should I have bought that?

GS: Your guilt has to do with your inability to feel deserving of all the desires of your heart. How can you manifest these things in your life if you do not feel deserving? Drop into your heart and feel the magnificence of your being-ness and then ask yourself how this glorious creature  cannot deserve all the wonders that life has to offer. You are glory beyond measure and are capable of having and experiencing anything you choose. Quit defaulting to the passive choice, to the one that requires least effort so that you do not have to actively choose. Release your fear of being wrong. You are never wrong and all your choices exactly reflect your intentions as they are directed by your conscious mind. Your unconscious mind only comes into play if you abdicate your conscious mind to it. You are a most glorious creation of you. Remember this throughout your day.

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